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Possible Connection Between Vitamin K and the Microbiome

grocery store produce sectionSeventy percent of the immune system is located in the gut, where diverse bacteria is best. You likely know that what you eat can affect your weight and energy level throughout the day. But you might not realize the extent to which diet affects the immune system.

Certain vitamins and minerals such as B12, vitamin D, selenium, zinc and magnesium have been shown to influence the building of the microbiome and other vitamins such as vitamins B and K are synthesized in the gut microbiome that effect the rest of the body.

Vitamin K has two forms: K1 (phylloquinone) and K2 (menaquinone). K1 the vitamin that is found in leafy green vegetables and then transported to the liver. Vitamin K2 is found mostly in certain animal products and fermented dairy and is also produced by certain gut bacteria.

In a recent study, the researchers explored the potential impact of vitamin K on the gut microbiome. The role of short-chain fatty acids was discussed, specifically butyrate, as how it helps regulate the absorption of vitamin K. Thus, protecting intestinal mucosa by supporting immune system health and regulating oxidative stress. This is an on-going study, so much more information is needed to gain in research, but it is interesting to see the potential benefits of how vitamin K may support GI health as well as over-all health. A diet rich in both forms of vitamin K will have

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